


Let​ God​

Restore Your Marriage​

1 thought on “重建你的婚姻​ 中文 Chinese 🇭🇰”

  1. What FUN!!! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of being blessed to add this long-lost version to this website, after stumbling on a very old Google Website where Chinese was listed but with a broken link.
    There’s nothing like being part of what He’s doing—especially working with Him—it’s dreamy! Delving into the coding to clean it up, especially when the Chinese characters look like coding, so He needed to point each one out and lead me to know how to fix it. I’m sure it’s not perfect because nothing is and why “His grace is sufficient”!
    My favorite part might have been with the linked verse at the bottom after exploring Biblegateway after discovering a paragraph in Chapter 12 was still in English, which made me laugh after HLM because it’s “Seeking God,” hahaha
    After He had me envision having just ONE promise linked, I waited until He showed me the ONE… if you go to the bottom, you will see just how INCREDIBLE it is too! Use the translator and let me know what you think… amazing, right?

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